His unrestricted form should be At Least 4-A, Possibly much higher I say this because his realm is another universe, which he has complete control over. Rushu in his scary fire form, which Rubilax said this form was only to scare people should be At Least High 6-C via scaling. Goultard inherited his position, so we can scale him similarly Percadel should have a separate key in unrestricted god form as At Least 4-A, likely higher. However, before he was the Iop god and one god has a 4-A feat, another is Low 2-C Spoiler Alert: Percadel is a god who forsake his powers to live in the world of 12. Grougaloragran: At Least High 7-A, Possibly High 6-C (Comparable to Phaeris, although his speciality was not combat) Eliacube: At Least 5-B, Likely Low 2-C Nox:, At Least High 7-A, Likely 5-B with Hax (He reversed time across the planet by about two minutes.) It does amplify Nox Time Stop and Reversal to be Universal so I find this statement to be accurate Something we should take seriously considering he is a dragon, who is aware of the cubes power.

Grougaloragran has a statement saying the eliacube could tear the fabric of the world in the french sub linked above. MHS+ combat speed for all characters in the main cast and top tiers.Īlso, worthy of mention. We have 6-A, Ogrest, Yugo and Percedel in OVAs. Yes Yugo portals are high hypersonic+, but they have been portrayed as slower then his combat speed by a significant margin Eva blocked a boufball in season one, which is Mach 1112+
If we do use a Yugo key from this period of time, He should also be High 6-C, considering the above, although it is worthy of mention Qilby did stomp him and Anathar with the Eliacube.Īlso, we need to upgrade everyones combat speed in the top tier categoy to Massively Hypersonic+. Qilby also scales to Phaeris somewhat since they two fought twice as well as the reason why Qilby is missing an arm.Īlso, his High 7-A feats were done casually so this leap of logic isnt massive. Phaeris and Anathar also have a High 6-C calc to their names, considering even if you half this considering two people made the whirlpool, it would still be High 6-C. Ogrest also has some feats all across tier 6 as well, see the calc compliation above.

I think this is relatively safe scaling considering the context. I propose a 6-A upgrade for Yugo and Percadel, as well as a 6-A ogrest page. Yugo is somewhat in the same boat, he kept up with Ogrest fairly well and lifted an island into space with his powers, from which if it fell on the World of 12 would have probably destroyed the world. When he first learned about his powers and got to apply them for the first time in a practical sense against Ogrest. Casually (In context to his later fight with Ogrest) B. Ogrest flooded the world in Wakfu and this got calced at 6-A, we can conclude that Yugo with Eliacube and Percadel scales to this since they fought Ogrest for an extended period of time.
Feel free to pause and ask me what works and doesnt.Īnyway, lets start with the Top Tiers: Ogrest is a big one.

NOTE: I will misspell character names and general english grammar.Īlso, this verse is filled with a lot of feats, so there is bound to be funky scaling. This is also going to be a long post, so if you want a tldr, read down below: NameI will be blunt, Our Wakfu pages are a big mess If you can compile a list of me saying which verses need revisions, Wakfu is up there.Īll the sources for what I am about to say are either on the Wiki or right here: This list is automatically generated from existing pages, all edits should be done on the corresponding page. It is the home of the Bontarian alignment and is locked in a perpetual war with the forces of darkness from city of Brakmar. Bonta is an area of the Amaknean Continent.